Wednesday, June 20, 2012

DIY: Movie Ticket Shadow Box

I, like many others, have spent countless hours pinning beautiful pictures and ideas on Pinterest. Many of these are DIY projects that look oh so easy but turn out to be nightmares. There's actually blogs dedicated to people's hilarious attempts at these "easy" activities. My favorite is this one about Cookie Monster cupcakes, since this is exactly how all of my attempts at decorating end up.

Nailed it!

Today I took a break from nail designs (that's a lie, I just painted them a single color) and decided to do a DIY project that is actually simple. I've been collecting movie ticket stubs since middle school (a few have gotten lost along the way) and I kinda got tired of storing them in a little tin hidden from the world. This pin suggested making a shadow box for them all. Brilliant! 

1. I found a suitable frame on Amazon for $20. I think this one was meant to be used as a deep frame where the frame is really thick and the picture is a couple inches in. But since I am oh-so-clever, I took it apart and switched the centerpiece around so that the interior of the frame became a couple inches thick.

 2. Now I needed a background. I thought about drawing one myself or something, but decided to go with something a little more professional. I got an 8 x 10 poster from All

3. Finally I threw it all together and added in my tickets!! I have waaaaaaaay too many, so I only put in a few so that you could see the background.

I added the rest...

It's kinda cool, because you can just shake up the box and see different ones!

Maybe now I'll be inspired to try something a little harder next time!

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