Friday, April 27, 2012

JESSICA SANCHEZ | Most watched on American Idol's YouTube last night. See ranking here

There have been rumors that Filipina-Mexican Idol hopeful Jessica Sanchez holds the record for being the Idol with the highest votes in AI's history. Well, true or not - she certainly is the most watched contestant on YouTube based on last night's episode. It also shows that YouTube is consistent with the votes wherein Elise Testone is the least watched thus she went home.

It may be true as predicted that Jessica might indeed make it to the Final 2. So, let's show our support and keep sharing her videos and performances and let's be proud that another Filipino is making a name in the international scene, if not the biggest international platform in the world.

And as for YouTube? Well, see for yourself... Here are the YouTube rankings for last night's show as of 04.27.12 3:00pm:

77,134 - Jessica Sanchez (Bohemian Rhapsody)
20,175 - Philip Phillips (Fat Bottomed Girls)
17,351 - Joshua Ledet (Crazy Little Thing Called Love)
16,803 - Skylar Laine (The Show Must Go On)
14,714 - Hollie Cavanagh (Save Me)
14,651 - Elise Testone (I Want It All)

82,544 - Jessica Sanchez (Dance With My Father)
24,585 - Hollie Cavanagh (The Climb)
19,512 - Joshua Ledet (Ready For Love)
18,940 - Philip Phillips (The Stone)
11,359 - Elise Testone (Bold As Love)
11,324 - Skylar Laine (Tattoos On This Town) 

If YouTube were to be a reference for who's going home next. It seems Skylar or Hollie may be in trouble...  But don't be too confident because even Philip Phillips doesn't look too secure in this ranking.

Let's go Filipinos and campaign for Jessica. We are truly blessed and it's about time we are ranked alongside international acts.

Go Pinoys!!!

Jessica Sanchez (Bohemian Rhapsody)

Jessica Sanchez (Dance With My Father)

For Jessica Sanchez related posts, simply click HERE.

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