For those of you who don't know who she is, maybe the pictures below would jog your memory.

Do you remember her yet? Anyway, she was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING AND INSPIRATIONAL!
She visited our class to critique our monologues and I was late because I was filming earlier in the day. When I got there, people were doing their pieces and I witnessed how she helped each and every one of my classmates. She was INCREDIBLY GENIUS. I was teary-eyed half the time!
When it was my turn to audition for her, boy, was I nervous. But I did my best and it went great. She made me feel so comfortable and she really helped me make my monologue better. I was in love even before I had my one-on-one time with her in front of everyone.
After our class, she had a speech for an hour where other people can watch her. I watched it and recorded most of her speech which lasted 35 minutes long. Unfortunately, I am having trouble uploading the video. If I ever get it uploaded, I will definitely post it here! Basically, she talked about how to be a happy actor.
LET JUDGMENT GO. When you stop judging yourself and others, you start trusting yourself, and by trusting yourself, you become a happier and nicer person.
That is absolutely genius right there. After her speech, I stood in line to get her autograph and get a picture with her. Want to see? :)
I had no other paper for her to sign so I used the paper I took notes with during her presentation. |
I felt like I wasn't presentable enough to meet her that day because I was under the sun all morning and afternoon, sweaty and who knows what else. All of it went away when I got near her and I just wanted to be next to her and get a picture. :) We're hoping to have her back soon! Maybe sooner than we think ;)
Have you met any celebrities? Who are they?
Check back tomorrow for my acting adventures this past weekend!
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