Sunday, January 15, 2012

Vampire Diaries Season 3: Our Town

Glad the old Damon is somewhat back - ripping hearts just like the old days :D It's amazing how him and Stefan were turned at the same time, yet he'll always be stronger and more intuitive than Stefan :D Go Damon!

Stefan is seriously going over the edge... What's happened to him?? Why is he acting like that? In this episode, Stefan's facial expressions were annoyingly arrogant. I bet Klaus just wants to beat the crap out of him. Stefan needs to get back to his senses before Klaus rips his heart out. Seriously.

It's so sad between Tyler and Caroline. They're meant to be together, but Tyler is a threat to Caroline. When he said "I'm so sorry" it almost made me cry. Why do they have to be apart? Argh.

I love how Klaus talks :) "Show her to her room, would you love?" How can you not sympathize with a guy like that?! :)

"Our Town"--Joseph Morgan as Klaus on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES on The CW. Photo: Bob Mahoney/The CW ©2011 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

Klaus: "Well, if we're playing that game, I was here first."
Stefan: "I don't like your hybrids, they're kind of like fleas."

"Our Town"--LtoR: Joseph Morgan as Klaus and Paul Wesley as Stefan on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES on The CW. Photo: Bob Mahoney/The CW ©2011 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

Tyler: "Can't you just keep me out of it?"
Klaus: (straight-faced) "What would be the point in that?"
^^ HILARIOUS! Klaus is dangerously calm. That's never good.

"Our Town"--LtoR: Joseph Morgan as Klaus and Michael Trevino as Tyler on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES on The CW. Photo: Bob Mahoney/The CW ©2011 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

Damon and Alaric bromance is back! :) Some of the best lines ever!
Alaric: "Suddenly you care who lives and dies?"
Damon: "I have a small list."
Alaric: "Pfft. Talk about a humanity dimmer switch."
Damon: "Screw you."

"Our Town"--LtoR: Matt Davis as Alaric Saltzman and Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES on The CW. Photo: Bob Mahoney/The CW ©2011 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

Does anyone like Dr. Fell? I have a feeling she'd get killed after a few episodes, not because she's associated with Alaric, but because whatever she has to hide cannot continue to go on.

"Our Town"--Torrey DeVitto as Dr. Fell and Matt Davis as Alaric on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES on The CW. Photo: Bob Mahoney/The CW ©2011 The CW Network.  All Rights Reserved.

Caroline's "funeral" was really weird. Caroline seemed so pretty in this episode :D Like her blonde hair has more sunshine in it :D

"Our Town"--LtoR: Candice Accola as Caroline and Zach Roerig as Matt on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES on The CW. Photo: Bob Mahoney/The CW ©2011 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

"Our Town"--LtoR: Nina Dobrev as Elena, Candice Accola as Caroline, and Kat Graham as Bonnie on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES on The CW. Photo: Bob Mahoney/The CW ©2011 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

Is anyone else excited that Matt is in this episode? Poor guy, he just reappeared and he got knocked out by Stefan shortly after...

"Our Town"--LtoR: Zach Roerig as Matt and Nina Dobrev as Elena on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES on The CW. Photo: Bob Mahoney/The CW ©2011 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

I like Klaus's accessories :) I bet he is very dangerous when he acts sympathetic and... nice. All of a sudden he's interested in PEACE. It's like every table has turned.

Stefan threatening to kill Elena was pretty much the edge. WHAT. IS. WRONG. WITH. HIM?!!! Biggest Jerk Ever! He's worse than Damon ever was! He was willing to turn Elena into a vampire! AAHH!!

A car running extremely fast would definitely make your heart race.
Stefan: "Destroying Klaus is all I have left."
Elena: "You had me!"
Stefan: "I lost you the minute I left town with him."
Elena: "Is that what you're doing? Trying to make me hate you?"
Stefan: "I don't really care what you think about me anymore, Elena."


Klaus showing intense concern to Caroline, he looks...hurt about what happened. The way he talked to Caroline...
Caroline: "Are you going to kill me?"
Klaus: "On your birthday? You really think that low of me?"

Klaus: "I love birthdays."
Klaus is such a confusing character. Sometimes his heart shows, and sometimes he's all cruel. The way he talked/whispered to Caroline... I'd fall head over heels in an instant with him.
Klaus: "There you go sweetheart, have at it...Happy birthday, Caroline."
Makes you wonder what he's planning when he said that.

NO KISS in this episode! But their closeness is even better. Damon's humanity is so beautiful :)

By the way, have you seen the Vampire Diaries press/promo pictures?

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES  Pictured (L-R): Nina Dobrev as Elena, Ian Somerhalder as Damon, Joseph Morgan as Klaus, and Paul Wesley as Stefan.  Frank Ockenfels 3/The CW  © 2011 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
Aren't they all beautiful? :)

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Pictured: Nina Dobrev as Elena. Frank Ockenfels 3/The CW © 2011 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
I could see Damon drooling...

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Pictured: Paul Wesley as Stefan. Frank Ockenfels 3/The CW © 2011 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
Something about him is so appealing..

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Pictured: Ian Somerhalder as Damon. Frank Ockenfels 3/The CW © 2011 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
He makes me wanna sing... :)

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Pictured: Joseph Morgan as Klaus. Frank Ockenfels 3/The CW © 2011 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
The hot bad boy :) Yum..

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Pictured (L-R): Ian Somerhalder as Damon, Joseph Morgan as Klaus, and Paul Wesley as Stefan. Frank Ockenfels 3/The CW © 2011 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
I'm about to pass out....

I just found this picture on Google... I'm speechless.

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