Sunday, January 29, 2012

Just A Rant...

Have you ever had that feeling when people are talking down on you, like you're some kind of idiot? You know, that feeling you get when someone thinks they're better than you and you're just a piece of worthless substance? If you answer yes, then we're on the same boat.

You'll never be able to please everyone in the world. There will always be at least one person who will disagree or just be plain mean. But you know that one person who just gets a kick out of making you feel miserable, putting you down every chance they get, calling you an idiot in fancy ways? Yeah, been there.

So what do you do fellow readers? I personally ignore it or let the authorities know and hope that the issue is dealt with. However, at the same time, don't you wish you could stand up for yourself? What are you afraid of anyway? Oh yeah, Confrontation. Conflict. That feeling that you're losing even before you start fighting.

People that makes you feel like that are poison in your life. They must be cut loose or avoided at all times. Such individuals are bullies. They have no understanding that you're human, you say stupid things or do stupid things, not necessarily on purpose. But people such as these don't know the word "forgiveness" or "understanding" even after preaching to you themselves.

Hypocrites is what I call them. Do I feel sorry for them? At first I thought I did. But not anymore. Not after they've put me down countless times and I've had enough of it. They're alone because of their own doings. I'm alone because solitude is my sanctuary.
There is a difference.

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