Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dead as a Doornail - Sookie Stackhouse Book 5 Review

Everyone wants a piece of Sookie!

It took me this long to realize that everyone seem to be falling for Sookie. Bill, Eric, Sam (dog), Alcide (wolf), Calvin (panther), Quinn (tiger). So many creatures, eh?

In this fifth book of the series, Jason turned into a half-man, half panther during the full moon after being kidnapped and bitten in the previous book. As we would expect from Jason, he was thrilled! And then there were the shootings in Bon Temps. Regular humans thought of it as random, of course. However, those who knew about the other different races, knew that shifters were the target. Even Sookie was shot simply because she hugged one too many shifter one day and she reeked of their smell.

There was also the event of choosing the new packmaster when the leader of the pack, Colonel Flood, was killed in a car accident. Sookie was unfortunately invited to the event and witnessed many things she wished she didn't. I didn't like how werewolves conduct their business after this book. Too violent and ruthless.

Towards the last third of the movie, the authorities caught the person shooting the shifters. Unfortunately, there was more than one shooter. Sookie almost died if she didn't have the silver necklace on her neck to protect herself. Suffice to say, Sookie had way too much pain in this book. Let's list them, shall we?

  • Sookie got shot in the shoulder in the library parking lot.
  • Sookie was attacked by the vampire Mickey when she asked Eric to contact Mickey's sire.
  • Sookie was injured when she went to the werewolf event.
  • Sookie almost died when she was attacked at Merlotte's bar by the seemingly harmless vampire bartender.
I wouldn't want to be Sookie at this moment, despite the great sex she's had in previous books, lol.

I only have two scenes to share this time. This book didn't have that many memorable quotes for me.

Eric and Sookie talking about the old ways of the vampires. p214
      "Sookie, you have to understand that for hundreds, thousands, of years we have considered ourselves better than humans, separate from humans. Very much in the same relationship to humans as humans have to, say, cows. Edible like cows, but cute, too."
      I was knocked speechless. I had sensed this, of course, but to have it spelled out was just...nauseating. Food that walked and talked, that was us. McPeople.
Eric and Sookie talking about calendars :) p294
      "We're expanding our Fangtasia product line."
      "Yes. What would you think of a nude calendar? 'Fangtasia's Vampire Hunks' is what Pam thinks it should be called."
      "Are you gonna be in it?"
      "Oh, of course. Mr. January."
      "Well, put me down for three. I'll give one to Arlene and one to Tara. And I'll put one up on my own wall."
      "If you promise to keep it open to my picture, I'll give you one for free."
      "You got a deal."
Have you read the Sookie Stackhouse series? What did you think of it?

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