Friday, December 16, 2011

Favorite Books I've Read in 2011: Hunger Games (book 1)

For my second installment, I want to talk about the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Check it out below!

I was completely in the dark until I read this book. I received an ebook copy for this so it took me a while to get started on it. When I finally figured out I could print a copy for myself, I breezed through it. This book was all kinds of awesome sauce with a lot of action packed in one book.

Katniss was such a well-written character. Her survival skills was truly exceptional, I wished I could be like her. She had quite a tolerance for pain and suffering. I love her courage to be herself while trying to please the capitol at the same time. She's definitely an incredible heroine.

Peeta was not very present in this first book. He appears once in a while but I didn't think he was all that. I know some people loves him completely, but I didn't think he was anything special. He was not that strong, although he was great at camouflaging himself to avoid dying. He was also sweet to Katniss and secretly in love with her, but that alone doesn't make him a great character. I hope I see more of him in the next book.

The Capitol is a sick place despite their great abilities to turn Katniss into a proper "human being." I don't like how they force mere KIDS to kill each other until only one is left standing to prove a point or serve as a reminder of a previous event. It's ridiculous, I'm kind of glad I don't live in that world. I don't think I'll survive in that lifestyle. I have to have good food and sufficient shelter.

There you have it! Check out my review of the Hunger Games!

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