Thursday, December 22, 2011

Favorite Books I've Read in 2011: Personal Demons

For my third installment, I want to talk about Personal Demons by Lisa Desrochers. Check it out below!

I had no idea this book existed until I volunteered at the public library bookstore to help selling this book while the author come in and talk to everyone. I was SO excited to be there because I've never met an author before! I researched the author, found out she had a blog, even tweeted her before the event. I was so happy, but I was the only one who bought the book. Sad, I know, but I got her autograph and I even got a big poster!

Frannie - she was the daughter of very religious parents. In fact, with all her sisters, they were all named Mary. The only way to differentiate them was by their middle name. Frannie had no idea of the powers she possessed. One of them was Sight where she has visions of tragedies. She tried to stop them but no one would believe her. The other power she had is the one sought after by Hell: Sway. She only had to wish it in her mind and she would influence the person it was directed to. Because of this, she was chased by the creatures of Hell to use for their own sick means.

Luc - he was the demon. He was so hot, Frannie couldn't help thinking about him when he's near. His air of danger is what was so attractive to him, but of course, Frannie had no idea that he was a demon. His goal was to tag Frannie's soul to Hell. If he fails, his boss, the mighty Lucifer will send him to the worst parts of Hell. Towards the end of this book, Frannie had influenced him so much that he fell in love with her, and oh, here it comes - turned human. What do you know about that?

Gabe - he was the angel. He was also hot, but he had an air of peace instead of danger. He was powerful, but he wasn't the Gabriel we all know. He's the right hand man of God's right hand man. Yeah, interesting stuff. Anyway, he couldn't compete with Luc, he wasn't interesting enough? He also had a mission, and that was to tag Frannie's soul for Heaven. He couldn't do so, however, until Frannie forgave herself about accidentally killing her brother. Funny story, her brother actually became her guardian angel at the end of the book :)

Check out my review here.
I was lucky enough to get a picture with Lisa and record an interview with her. Check it out here.
Finally, check out this tag if you want to see the posters and the swags I received :)

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