Have you joined #RAK? If not, would you like to join? Here are the rules, straight from Book Soulmates blog!
COMPLETE RULES RE-CAP: Please read carefully & follow all rules!
- Please sign-up each month that you can participate (and by participate, we mean give as well as receive).
- Show off your participation by grabbing our RAK button (code is in the sidebar).
- Create a wish list (on Amazon, Goodreads, or your blog etc) and post it in the Google Doc located in each R.A.K post for the month.
- If you choose to do a R.A.K for someone, check out their wish list and contact that blogger directly for their information.
- Once you receive a RAK, send us an our new email to [rakbybooksoulmates @ gmail . com] so that we can update the Google Doc. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU SEND EMAILS TO THIS ADDRESS!
- E-book participation is limited to files being gifted directly to a person from the e-book store. Amazon's Kindle Store is set up to allow this, as well as the Kobo store and we believe Barnes & Noble as well.
OPEN TO EVERYONE including all our International brethren!
- At the end of the month, SHOW US YOUR R.A.K by making a "RAK Wrap-Up" post. This post should include who you SENT gifts to as well who you RECEIVED gifts from :)
Remember, there's always the Book Depository and they offer FREE shipping!
Easy peezy!!Links you will need:
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