Thursday, November 24, 2011

His Temporary Live-In Wife by Susan Crosby Review

This was such a beautiful book, I finished it in just a few hours. I started it before I went to bed around 1am this morning, and then woke up and read through it. I loved it!

Marcy was any guy's dream for a wife. She really was, and in a way, I wish I could be like her. She's very domestic, maternal, but at the same time, she has confidence and goals. Her goal is to finish college and get a career, and then start a family. Of course, in life, things don't always go as planned.

Eric was such an honorable man as Marcy put it. It's amazing how paternal he was - perfect match for Marcy. It's also amazing how he and Marcy tried to be "honest" with each other by hiding exactly how they feel. His sense of responsibility toward his siblings, and even Dylan was so admirable. It makes me wish that when I find the one I will marry, that he would possibly be like Eric - minus the 11-year difference with him and Marcy.

Dylan was a homeless teenage boy that won my heart from the very beginning, just as he won Marcy's sympathy. He was so adorable and such an amazing boy. He was very intuitive, determined, and a hard worker. What more can you ask for? It was so amazing how despite of his situation, he didn't end up a criminal. He broke into Eric's house but he tried to make amends by doing the dishes or bringing out the trash bins to be picked up the next morning. He really was an amazing boy, and thanks to Eric, he was turning into an honorable man as well.

So, as you can tell, I loved this book. I definitely recommend it if you can get your hands on it :) Now, it's time for me to get ready for the Thanksgiving party back home. Happy Holidays everyone!

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