If f(x) = 45 and slope is 9, what is the y-intercept? You have a minute to answer.
Tick tock…
Come on, it’s not calculus…
LOL, just kidding! Hi Megan, how are you?!
I’m doing great, little busy these days but I enjoy being busy.
So, what are you doing today?
Not much, working on writing.
Any upcoming books we should look out for?
There’s nothing new at the moment. If I can get my butt in gear I hope to have John’s book ready to go soon but I’ve been lazy about it. I did just have a short story come out for Halloween. My first book in the Urban Fantasy area, it’s about werewolves.
What’s your favorite genre to read?
I love Urban Fantasy, usually Vampires, however I enjoy all kinds of things that are new and different.
Do you have any weird inspirations for your books?
Not really, sometimes I have dreams that are odd and I am able to make into a story. Usually stuff just pops in my head and I try to work with it.
Do you eat/munch while you write?
Not usually. It distracts me, I forget to eat sometimes when I’m really in the ‘zone’. I don’t realize that lunch has already passed and it’s time to start dinner.
What’s your favorite candy? I like mostly chocolate.
Chocolate is a favorite of mine as well. However, right now I’ve been eating a lot of skittles.
Anyway, did you have a specific genre in mind before you became a writer?
I actually always wrote Science Fiction when I was in middle school/high school, then moved to urban fantasy. I always find it interesting that romance was the last genre I got into and it was the first to be published.
Some people use pen names. Why did you decide to use you real name besides that it’s awesome?
LOL thanks. I’m not sure I would be able to keep up a pen name. I’m lucky if I remember my own let alone one I made up. If I start writing young adult I might change it up a bit but not anything extreme, maybe just my first and middle initial then my last name. Just so that if kids are looking me up they don’t pick up a romance instead of one for them.
Since your husband is in the marines, do you constantly move, and does that inspire any of your stories?
We actually have only lived in one place besides Maine, North Carolina. We’ve been lucky enough to spend all 8 years of his career here so far.
That is all the questions I have for today! I will make sure to review Finding Samantha thoroughly and thanks again for granting me this interview.
Thanks so much I’ve enjoyed answering your questions.
Click the image to read the first chapter of Finding Samantha.
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