Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Round 2: 11 Questions Tag

CYP from A Book-a-licious Story tagged me for the 11 Questions! Since the questions are different, I thought I would do them again :) Check it out!

1. Who's your favorite fictional hottie?
This is such a hard question. I don't have just one favorite. Do I have to pick? *crickets* Okay, I guess I can kind of narrow it down. First is Dimitri from Vampire Academy. He's my go-to fictional guy whenever someone asks me that question. Second would probably be Peeta from The Hunger Games. I took a quiz one time and he turned out to be my fictional boyfriend. Nice :) I like me some baked goodies.

2. What is your favorite book that has made quite an impact on you?
I just finished reading the last book in The Hunger Games and I must say that it is this trilogy that had the most impact. Not only is it amazing, but the story was so vivid, I felt like I really was in the dystopian world with Katniss, Peeta, and Gale.

3. What are your top 3 dreams or aspirations?
#1: Become a successful actress
#2: Save the world one day at a time
#3: Make the world just a little bit more beautiful with the color pink

4. How long have you been blogging for?
11 months!!! My blogoversary is in FOUR DAYS!!!

5. What's your favorite color?
PINK. 'Nuff said.

6. Who's your favorite author?
-Suzanne Collins
-Richelle Mead
-Rachel Caine
-Alyson Noel
-DeeAnne Gist
-Nora Roberts
-Liz Reinhardt
-Lisa Kessler
-the list can go on and on

7. Favorite social networking site.
Is Blogger a networking site? :) I love Twitter. I feel like it's so impersonal. Click the picture if you want to follow me ;)

8. If you could meet one author, who would it be?
Do I really need to pick? I want to meet every author I read!

9. Favorite mythical creature.
I had to Google this one... *be right back*
I like mermaids and fairies :)

10. Morning bird or night owl?
NIGHT OWL! I'm a zombie in the morning. I'm practically a vampire without the blood and strength.

11. What time is it where you are?
When I did this post, it is 2:51pm.

Now, onto CYP's questions! :) Some of her questions were the same as above so I omitted them.

1. Which character would you most love to be?
Oh, this is hard. Let's see. I always wanted to be Rose from the Vampire Academy. She's strong and brave. But after reading The Hunger Games, I wouldn't mind being Katniss either, despite all the struggles she'd been through.

2. Which character and author do you most want to meet?
I'll just stick to Katniss and Suzanne Collins for this one :)

3. Which is your favorite publisher?
Haha, I don't really know.

4. Favorite myth?
I'm not really aware of many myths so I don't think I can answer this one.

5. Most hated character?
Hmm, I'm sure I have one, I just have to think about it... *thinks* It's hard but for now I'll say Linda from the Bride Quartet series. She is the mother of one of the quartet. She is just evil and selfish. I also disliked President Snow from the Hunger Games. He really freaked me out with the blood and roses.

6. Favorite movie or novel-adapted film?
It's hard to say what my favorite movie is. I can't pick. As for novel-adapted, I'd say Dear John by Nicholas Sparks was great. And even though it hasn't come out yet, I'm sure I'd love the Hunger Games, too ;)

7. What's your dream job?
Acting alongside the Vampire Diaries cast :D

8. What is your dream home like?
Oh boy, this is hard. I want it to be classy and chic but with the hint of history - like Victorian or Elizabethan. One of those styles.
I also wanted to add that if those things I mentioned doesn't happen, I would mind having AT LEAST my room to resemble Elle Fowler's bedroom at the moment :)

9. Favorite blogger?
Haha, I refuse to answer this question ;)

Again, Thank you CYP for tagging me! Everyone, go visit her blog!

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