Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Whites Injectable collagen with Vitamin C ?

Synonyms And Synonyms
What Vitamin C + Collagen injection?
If you say new, actually not really, but the use of vitamin C by injection was added popular today, especially among women capitals (especially teens). Although there are various pros and cons of some of the researchers, the use of which does not include illegality in physician practices, make users increase. The result itself is quite diverse, but almost every time we find a lot of recognition on average increased skin smooth or shine from its users, and this factor is also the added interest of consumers.  
Injectable Vitamin C with Collagen is often used for additional Lightening Treatment (skin lightening) function yangg brighten and tighten kulit.Dan Mixed with several other products (whitening agent) such as tatinil, heel, chero whitening etc. .. in order to maximize results

What Is Collagen?

Collagen naturally present in human skin layers to improve the structure of our skin. He provides convenience, and provide excellent benefits for the smooth skin (elastic). But when we are getting bertmabah age then the ability to produce collagen in our body is reduced and makes the skin lose elisitasnya, wrinkles and even create horizontal lines, especially on the face (forehead).

What are the Benefits of Vitamin C + Collagen injections?

1. Reduce wrinkles and remove fine lines around eyes, face, chin and body skin.
2. Increase lip volume
3. Repair scarring and depression
4. Prevent Breast and Buttock reduction
5. Make the skin look whiter, cleaner
6. Eliminate Acne and spots - black spots
7. Prevent premature aging
8. Increase endurance and other - other
9. Produces collagen to enhance skin elasticity.
10. Reduces pigmentation caused by exposure to light the sun.
11. Reducing the skin pores and improve skin complexion.

By. Synonyms And Synonyms

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