Thursday, December 1, 2011


Hi everyone!

I am so excited for tonight because we open the show tonight!! It is going to be amazing. I have so many talented co-stars and I'm glad to be working with them! I also shot a few video footage from the dress rehearsals last night. I will put those up when the show ends next Wednesday.

The CSUSM New Play Festival 2011

For now, check out a couple pictures I took last night! :)

They REALLY had a hard time doing my hair. It was "too slippery"

My co-star Olivia as foster kid Ben

My co-actor Jennifer as a doll

Earth Mother in the play I am in :) She's so beautiful isn't she?

My co-star Chris as Ben's mentor Jim

My co-actor Jesus as Mike

That's me sitting on the chair! "I don't need a lecture!"

HUNGRY - went to Denny's after dress rehearsals. Chris wanted a kid size milkshake :)

Olivia in her normal, pretty, smiley self.
Can you tell how awesome this show is yet? Once again, if you are in the San Diego area, come see our show!

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