Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dead to the World - Sookie Stackhouse Book 4 Review

This book was definitely interesting and cute in some parts.

Eric losing his memory was so adorable. I think the "fake" Eric was much more sensible and lovable. I wouldn't mind keeping him at all.

Sookie was in a whole lot of trouble again, and poor thing, her brother had to be missing, too. I don't know how she seriously keep everything together. Being telepathic and dealing with all the physical and emotional roller coaster, it's amazing she hasn't gone insane.

In this book, were-panther were introduced. I'm curious what they look like. Alcide sounded hot as a werewolf! I wanted to see him in person, all black fur and HUGE wolf. Even in the books, he's a giant :D

I am so glad Debbie Pelt was no more... Sadly, in True Blood this was not the case, but at least she's gone from the books. Go Sookie!

Bill was back. I'm not sure how I feel about that. He was practically forgotten in this book.

The wicked witches are dead. Wow, that "battle" was intense. So much blood. Luckily, vampires could heal. As for the werewolves, I'm curious if they heal quickly. I don't think it was ever mentioned in the books so far.

Pam sounded really authoritative. I love a strong woman, even if she's a vampire :)

Favorite quotes/scenes:
To Bill: "I wouldn't think you'd want to come back to me. After all, I killed your Mom."
"So you're predators, like lions and raptors. But you use what you kill. You have to kill to eat."
"What they didn't get was that (reckless and wild as my brother was) Jason's favorite person in the entire universe was Jason Stackhouse, and he would not endanger that person in such an obvious way."
"I should be concerned about your brother, because I love having sex with you, and I should want you to think well of me so you'll want sex, too."
"We could go back to your house. I can stay with you always. We can know each other's bodies in every way, night after night. I could love you. I could work. You would not be poor. I would help you."
"I love snow!"
Eric and Sookie:
E: "I find myself troubled."
S: "Then I've got to drop everything so I can help you."
E: "I'll be polite and ask if I can come in."
S: "Yes you can."
E: "Hallow is dead, having been forced to counter the curse on me, obviously."
S: "Pam did a good job."
E: "It was Hallow or me. I like me better."

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