Wednesday, November 30, 2011


A picture from Happy December Days past. 2006?
HAPPY DECEMBER DAY!!! If this is your first time hearing of December Day, then you need to get with the program! Laura, Kelley, and I started this holiday back in highschool, and every year it's celebrated with the wearing of ridiculous Christmas clothing, the drinking of hot chocolate, and the blasting of Christmas tunes. In honor of this joyous occasion, I present to you my favorite Christmas song of all time - The Dub Dub Song.

Unfortunately, this song isn't really called "The Dub Dub Song." In fact it's "White Christmas" - originally sung by Bing Crosby and then later covered by The Drifters. The first time I ever heard this song was when I watched The Santa Claus a zillion years ago, and every time I heard it I'm reminded of the awesomeness of that movie, my friends, and doo-wop music. If you'd like to see a slightly more hilarious rendition of this song, check this out.

November RAK Wrap-Up

I LOVE R.A.K! I love receiving and sending out books. I get super excited to do both!

This month, I unfortunately did not receive any book for RAK, but I was able to send a book to Liza.
She received:

I also sent out a book to one of my #twitterbffs, Bereniice, even though she wasn't signed up for RAK. She received:

I'm contemplating whether I should sign up for December R.A.K. What do you think? Did you get or send anything for the month of November? :)

Beachy Boy Christmas

I. Am. Bored. I've caught up on Perez (35 pages), looked at everything I could think of on Pinterest, checked out like a million different nail polish designs... and I still have an hour before my chopper takes me back to the mainland. BLAH. Right now I'm chilling in some kind of computer equipment room, coughing my lungs out, and thinking of a good Christmas tune for the day.

Yesterday, Pooh Bear and I mellowed out to some jazzy Christmas songs by Louis Armstrong. I'm thinking that I need something a little more upbeat for today. Since I'm still out in the middle of the ocean, I think a little Beach Boys are appropriate. Here's "Little Saint Nick" -

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Schroeder (Peanuts)

My husband posted this video on facebook the other day, saying......
" I feel thankful to have had semi-intelligent cartoons available to me as a child."

Listening to this song brings me peace.


This weekend, Ryan and I are hosting a holiday party for our family. In preparation for the party, I have been working on a crafty projects each day. Tonight, I wanted to make pom poms! The first time I made pom poms was for my bridal shower in North Carolina. My little sister was making them and I wanted to learn.
Here's a pic from my shower.

It's an easy and cute way to decorate for any occasion. I'm not sure what I plan to do with them yet but for now I have cute pom poms in my house. Stay tuned to the holiday party blog.

Chloe's Nails

This is not me - I wish. I'm not really sure how I found this blog... I'm sure I was avidly avoiding whatever I was supposed to be working on. Anyways, it's AMAZING. I plan on trying out about a million of the ideas she posted. I'll let you know how they work out. Chances are it'll end up pretty poorly.

In other news, some of the guys offshore complemented me on my nail polish today. That was kind of a shocker lol. Back onshore tomorrow!!

NEW VIDEO: Mostly YA + Lots of Swags I Won

Check out my new video! An entire FIVE MINUTES dedicated to Reading Between the Wines Book Club and some more shout outs to fellow bloggers! Enjoy and leave a comment :)

Holiday Greetings from the Gulf!

I... have failed. I didn't post a Christmas song for the past couple of days, and for that I apologize. BUT it was Thanksgiving, so you weren't reading this anyway! So all should be forgiven :)

Right now I'm on a platform in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. Everybody out here is extremely nice, and they're all at least a little bit... country. In honor of my lovely hosts, your tune for the day will be "Christmas in Dixie" by Alabama.

"Christmas in Dixie"

P.S. I had a small incident with a mystery guest in my room - taking my towel, using my shower, writing on my dry-erase board, and then leaving. No idea who it was, slightly creeped out, will keep you informed.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Jucarii pentru cei mari

E 8 dimineata si un barbat la vreo 30 de ani priveste soarele cum razbate printre crengile copacilor care se zaresc prin gratiile vechi si ruginite din Penitenciarul Margineni.
Face flotari,zeci,un program regulat pe care il respecta de ani de zile impins de ura din suflet pe care o simte chiar si pe limba.Are privirea unui tigru si zambeste rar si atunci doar pentru interes...
Isi aduce aminte de copilarie,avea 5 sau 6 ani si mama lui il loveste peste fata si ii da sangele instantaneu pe gura si pe nas.Furase o jucarie de la gradinita pentru ca acasa nu avea.
Va fura in aproape fiecare zi cate o jucarie.
A crescut acum are vreo 11 ani si impreuna cu fratele lui asteptau pe unul dintre parinti sa le aduca ceva de mancare.Nu mancase de 12 ore cel putin.
Se duce in sufragerie si il striga pe fratele lui dupa 15 min.Pe masa erau asezate farfuriile alea bune,tacamuri,servetele,pahare.Pe fiecare farfurie era friptura sau salata,cozonaci...Erau poze decupate din ziare puse atent.
Mai trec cativa ani si acum e la liceu si se pregateste de Revelion.Este ultima zi din acel an si el pleaca gatit bine dar cu un rucsac cu niste rufe murdare.Va petrece Revelionul la un prieten bun dar in acelasi timp isi va spala rufele la masina aia automata.La el in familie nu exista atunci asa ceva.
In 2003 este arestat,si-a riscat libertatea pentru o viata mai buna,o viata fara griji pe care unii din diferite motive nu au putut sa i-o dea pe tava.Copiii de bani gata pleaca mereu cu 3 ture inaintea noastra in maratonul vietii.
Acum are un zambet fals lipit de coltul buzelor si se intoarce la antrenament.Ultima serie de flotari pe ziua respectiva.
S-a innorat si bate un vant rece.
Tot ce am scris mai sus e pura realitate.Numele lui este Alin.E fratele meu mai mic.

Why PROComm created the Lasco Teacher of the Year

We need to avoid objectifying our women as this encourages the very violence that we condemn. It is for this reason that our company has a policy of not promoting beauty contests. After our refusal to do so for Lasco in 1998, we created a better gender-balanced alternative, the "Teacher of the Year" programme. We salute tomorrow's recipients. This led to the other affirmation programmes for nurses and police officers. Last year, we suggested the reservation of shares in the Lasco initial public offer (IPO) for these groups and CCRP seniors, thus contributing to their financial empowerment. Women do bring a practical perspective to issues. We do not have to follow the status quo - indeed, it is by looking higher, that we grow.

Read more:

Are they Andrew Holness's 'Lucky 13'?

Jean Lowrie-Chin | Observer Column | Monday, November 28, 2011

If we are to use the findings of the "51% Coalition" as a yardstick, they could indicate that the JLP may have a significant edge over the PNP in the next general election. In a full-page advertisement declaring "Respect and Recognition", the JLP announced 13 women candidates, the highest number ever fielded by a major political party.

The 13 JLP candidates are: Olivia Grange, Shahine Robinson, Marisa Dalrymple-Philibert, Senator Marlene Malahoo-Forte, Sharon Hay Webster, Dr Sandra Nesbeth, Dr Saphire Longmore, Camille Buchanan, Dr Patrece Charles-Freeman, Joan Gordon-Webley, Beverly Prince, Paula Kerr-Jarrett and Rosalee Hamilton.

Ironically, the PNP - led by Portia Simpson Miller who is the first and only woman prime minister in the history of Jamaica, has only four other woman candidates: Lisa Hanna, Natalie Neita-Headley, Sharon Ffolkes-Abrahams, and Denise Daley, having lost Sharon Hay Webster to the JLP. Some may argue that powerhouse Simpson Miller packs the punch of 10!

Last Tuesday, several women's groups launched a coalition and campaign for quotas for women in decision making - "The 51% Coalition for development and empowerment through equity", supported by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - Jamaica and the Caribbean.

Dr Marcia Forbes, one of the organisers of the 51% Coalition, so named to represent the percentage of women in the Jamaican population, shared her excellent notes of the meeting and some interesting findings from Studies re Women On Boards - UK Report, February 2011 ( prepared by committee led by a former minister for trade, investment and Small Business 2009 to 2010 UK.

Companies with more women on their board of directors outperform their rivals with42 per cent higher return in sales; 66 per cent higher return on invested capital; and 53 per cent higher return on equity. It was observed that women bring different perspectives and experiences to bear.

The current situation in Jamaica shows that we are far from the mark. In the case of boards of directors, women serve on only 33 per cent of those in the public sector - over 10 years from 1998 to 2008 this grew by only four per cent. Women served on only 16 per cent of private sector boards in 2008, increasing by only two per cent over the previous 10 years. In the case of government, women make up 13.3 per cent of MPs, 11 per cent of Cabinet and encouraging 23.8 per cent of the Senate. Sixteen per cent of local government councillors are women, and a tiny 7.6 per cent are mayors.

"Quotas often create controversy in society," observed guest speaker Mathu Joyini, South Africa's High Commissioner to Jamaica. "Women's rights and gender equality have not been separated from human rights in South Africa. When you do business with the South African government they ask, how engendered are you and how black are you? Who benefits from your corporate social responsibility programme? If you don't measure up well on these points then you cannot do business with the government.

Some of these measures are self-imposed quotas so there are problems with implementation. So we are doing assessments to see what measures we can put in place to ensure enforcement."

She told the audience that pre-1994, women were two per cent in Parliament but when the ANC came into power in 1994 it went up to 18 per cent. "Today it is now 45 per cent. Thirty-six per cent of women are in senior positions in government - managerial positions... but we have had challenges in the private sector...(there is) 37 per cent of women in senior management but not many on boards, so there is still work to do in this area."

Linnette Vassell of Women's Resource Outreach Centre (WROC) suggested that the Coalition "challenge our sisters in the JLP to step out of the accustomed mode and say that this cannot stand, eg, NWC board with all men." Government Senator Camilla Johnson-Smith, in congratulating the initiators, said, "It is your work why I am in the position I am today. What is democracy without advocacy? The coalition is playing a key role in promoting gender sensitivity. I found the South African experience very inspirational."

Siddier Chambers of the Bureau of Women's Affairs observed that Minister Olivia "Babsy" Grange had "tabled the policy this afternoon at Parliament. The Bureau stands ready to support this coalition."

"We have to make it clear that we are women of competence that will transform decision-making in Jamaica," said the UNDP's Carol Narcisse. Patricia Donald of Women's Media Watch and the Ministry of Health gave "big endorsement for quotas - I used to be ambivalent about the quota system but now I think that we need it. We need to learn how to respond to the critics".

"I am in favour of quotas," noted entrepreneur Peta-Rose Hall, secretary of the International Women's Forum. "We should be practical in the sense such as suggested by Donna Duncan re shareholders asking more about the representation of women on boards. Women have purchasing power but we don't use it."

"For the last 20 years, we have been encouraging women to take the leadership," said Merlene Daley of the Jamaica Women's Political Caucus. "There was a time when I felt quota was taking it beyond, but having served so long it seems that quota is the only way to go forward. I endorse it."

More good news about coffee

Coffee may do your body good.. (IStock Photo)

Washington Post | Posted at 07:00 AM ET, 11/28/2011

By Jennifer LaRue Huget

If you’re enjoying your Monday morning cup of coffee, take a moment to appreciate it for its deliciousness and the good it may be doing your body.

As I wrote in the “Eat, Drink and Be Healthy” column a couple of weeks ago, recent research has found that coffee’s potential health benefits may outweigh any health risks it might pose. Coffee consumption may help ward off Parkinson’s disease, diabetes and a score of other conditions.

That growing list may now include endometrial cancer: A study published last week in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research) found that coffee consumption may reduce women’s risk of developing endometrial cancer.

The endometrium is the lining of the uterus. An estimated 46,470 women will be diagnosed in the United States in 2011, and an estimated 8,120 deaths will result from the disease.

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health analyzed data for 67,470 women taking part in the Nurses’ Health Study in 1980. Over 26 years, 627 cases of endometrial cancer occurred among study participants.

The data showed that drinking four or more cups of coffee daily reduced risk of endometrial cancer by 25 percent compared to drinking less than a cup a day. The association held true for decaffeinated coffee, though the link was less robust — perhaps because only a tiny fraction of the women in the study reported drinking decaf. No association was found between drinking caffeinated tea and endometrial cancer risk.

Coffee is believed to alter the way estrogen and insulin, both of which influence our risk of chronic disease, work in our bodies.

The study notes that regular exercise and maintaining a healthy body weight are the best defenses against endometrial cancer. Still, adding coffee to the mix could potentially help keep women healthy. Unless, that is, they add cream and sugar to their coffee, in which case the added calories and fat might undo any good the coffee might offer, the authors suggest.

By Jennifer LaRue Huget | 07:00 AM ET, 11/28/2011


I just thought I'd share with you what I DON'T like about some blogs - technical stuff. Let me know in the comments if you have the same issues :)
  • Verification Code (CAPTCHA)
  • comment box with "Name, Email, URL, and comment"
  • unusually HUGE banners, fonts, pictures, etc.
  • page loads ssslllooowwwlllyyy....
  • too much content
  • no page tabs or contact info
  • too much words, not enough pictures
Verification Code
-Are you really that worried about bots leaving a weird comment on your blog? There is a quick solution: Disable anonymous posts. Unless there's a phenomenon I haven't heard about where bots actually have google accounts, then this solution should work, right?

UPDATE: I also don't like how some blogs have the comments on a pop-up window. Is it such a hassle to have it embedded in the post itself? When this is done PLUS the verification code, drives me nuts.

Comment Box with "Name, Email, URL, and Comment"
-You're asking for too much, seriously. Just use the regular comment box - it has all the information needed already. It's not like you even use the information you collect... Do you?

Unusually HUGE banners, fonts, pictures, etc.
-I understand the need for people to read the content of your blog. However, some blogs go overboard with gigantic fonts and pictures. And is it really necessary to take an entire page with just your banner? What's the benefit in that?

Page Loads ssslllooowwwlllyyy
-This kind of goes with the next point. If your page loads too slowly, I wouldn't be motivated to even wait to read your content.

Too Much Content
-Seriously, are those overflowing content on your blog necessary? All the ads, unnecessary information in the sidebar, too many buttons from other people's blogs. I thought blogs were supposed to be for entertainment and self-expression, not for profit. And even if it was, there are better ways to set up a blog.

No Page Tabs or Contact Info
-Page tabs are created to organize the content of your blog. They make the home page less cluttered and make you seem organized and that you actually spent time on your blog. As for contact info, some of us actually want to connect with you, so please, provide a contact info - whether have a contact form or directly paste your email somewhere in your blog - and please, don't make us look for it for half an hour.

Too Much Words, Not Enough Pictures
-I am from a generation that has a very short attention span. If you want me to stick around, entice my eyes with interesting pictures (and no, I'm not talking about naked people).

So, there you have it. What's your opinion?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Nordstrom Rack + BBW Haul :)

My Thanksgiving purchases :) Hope you enjoy and leave a comment!

Watch Geminid meteor shower

Message below from Jennifer Rowe, Secretary of the wonderful Astronomy Association of Jamaica - reminding us of the wonder of this vast Universe!

"Check this link:


"The best time to watch December's 2011 Geminid meteor shower is from midnight to dawn, on December 14 and 15. You should also see meteors on nights before and after that. 

"This year, however, a large waning gibbous moon 

will wash out a good number of Geminids in 2011. 

"Best direction to look? The meteors radiate from a point that's east in mid-evening – and overhead by 2 a.m. But, like all meteors in annual showers, they will appear in all parts of the sky."

Kind regards


Cupcake Experiment: 1 Month

Yes, it's true. It's been 1 month since I've had this cupcake. It hasn't changed a bit! I know my friend, Connie is reading this and probably freaking out. I know it's pretty scary that something like this could last this long. Preservatives! Lets see if this cupcake makes it to Christmas. For now, it's 1 month. I will keep you posted in a week. Stay tuned.

X-mas Trees are UP!

I have a lot of cute Christmas ideas this year, but I will wait to share them next week, after my family cookie party. For now, here's our Christmas trees.

"Dr. Seuss tree"

The "Gold" tree

Black Friday!

This is me shopping with my aunt & cousin on Black Friday! It's cold...RAINING... and a lot of FUN! I laughed so hard that night from the craziness! They're some"CRAY CRAY" people out on the streets on Black Friday! It makes shopping very humorous. We shopped till 4am. We also made a pit stop at 2am for some breakfast.. yum!

Gobble Gobble!

My apologies for not blogging for a few days. I have had a couple of busy days since Thanksgiving. It's been great! Going to bed late and getting up late. Something I never get to do so I was taking full advantage of the days I had off. Ugh... tomorrow is Monday and I'm dreading the busy week ahead of me. Coffee will be a necessity in the morning.

Thanksgiving was celebrated with my new beautiful family and then I spent the evening/early morning shopping for Black Friday deals. Here's some of the pictures from Thursday. Enjoy!

The Blind Cave Fish life in the Gunung Kidul

Synonyms And Synonyms

Synonyms And Synonyms
Gunungkidul - must have been a lot of us who have heard the name. The name is a county located in the eastern region of Yogyakarta Special Region. Behind the hills of vast quantities (so that there is a region called by the name of the mountain also sewu) - which in the dry season - looks barren, it stores information in a very unique and scientifically valuable.

Cave - Under these hills there are many caves and underground streams. In this place was one of the stored wealth of biodiversity, and only a few people who had the opportunity to witness such property. In one of the caves are located in the southern city of Wonosari (the district capital - ed) there is a cave. Inside the cave at a depth of approximately 220 meters from the ground surface there is a "lake". (by reason of cave conservation is not the author's name mentioned in this article).

Underground lake - the lake in this cave varying depths around 80-10 meters. The surface area of
​​the cave over a quarter of the lack of a football field. light intensity around the cave in total darkness 0 lux, quite humid, rainy season floods the cave often.

Cave fish - In the lake there are many fish cave. First time writer in 1991 entered the cave and it was a lot of fish found in many caves. In 1998 when the writer came back, having gained identified three types of fish.
There's so special about the fish that live in the cave. First - by looking at his age (of the otolith method) after compared with similar fish that live outside the cave, cave fish body size is much smaller. Just the same age of 1.5 years is only half the size of the cave fish of similar fish that live outside the cave. Second - the color pink cave fish's body. Third - sudag cave fish eye does not function to see and be blind.

Why the blind cave fish?
If the cave fish could answer our questions, maybe he will answer - well what's the point my eyes could see, anyway do not function. in the cave's total darkness, so I also can not see what's what. - But unfortunately the fish I can not answer so it won, he can not talk .....
From the standpoint of biological sciences, there is a strong correlation between structure and function of organs in living things. if an organ is not enabled then the organ will also be reduced. likewise, if an organ to reduce the function is also reduced.

Likewise, in the eyes of cave fish.
Inside the cave is completely dark cave fish eye does not function at all to see. That's because it does not work then the organs eyes will also experience degeneration. To be able to see, one of the important structures within the eye is the rod cells and cone cells. If both cells are not there then that organ does not function as an organ of vision.
In the cave fish, it turns out after the incision was observed and made
​​rod and cone cells is reduced. even extremely reduced, and left only a remnant of the rest alone. For this reason, certain that the cave fish could not see or blind....

But for the cave fish, being blind is not something that is harmful, yet if the eye is normal also does not work right. In general, to survive the fish will try to adjust to the environment in the best way possible. This is what happened to the blind fish. Compensation of the condition of the blind cave fish is the increased ability to detect changes in their environment - especially changes in water pressure - with the development of the linea lateralis system. This system is used when we were elementary school teachers are often introduced by us with the name of the lateral line. 

From observations made, the system line laterals cave fish is much more developed than that owned by the fish that live outside the cave. With a highly developed system, the cave fish become very sensitive, making it easy to distinguish the arrival of food or predators, or just a disturbance in the water.

That's a quick explanation of why the cave fish have several generations living in a cave then his eyes became blind, as well as an explanation for why the fish can still live and breed in conditions that we think is very extreme.
By. Synonyms And Synonyms

Beginners (Mike Mills, 2011)

As precious as it can be, Mike Mills' Beginners overcomes its occasional indie accoutrements—twee, arty montages à la Wes Anderson abound—to tell a moving story about one man's total emotional upheaval and his attempt to put his life back in order. Based on Mills' own life experiences, Beginners sidesteps as many clichés as it embraces, moving beyond its quirks to get at the real impacts of life's oddities and even avoiding the pitfall of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl.

Like Mills, Oliver (Ewan McGregor) finds himself in a painful spot in the early 2000s. After his mother's death, his father, then 75 years old, came out as gay. Four years later, he died of cancer. Mills fractures the timeline of events so that we receive this information at the start and get constant flashbacks both to Hal's (Christopher Plummer) new life and to Oliver's reexaminations of his childhood in the wake of his father's outing as he puts the pieces together.

The beneficial side effect of this structure is that we get to see Plummer work throughout instead of relegating him solely to the first half. Plummer, at 81, is half a decade older than the character he plays, yet he looks a decade younger. We almost never see Hal not hooked up to a breathing tube or a hospital bed, but he bursts with energy. Plummer intuits the character's mental state, his body falling apart just when he's never felt more whole and alive. Making up for a life not lived, Hal throws himself into queer culture, joining not only gay pride parades and hitting up gay bars but attending gay book and film clubs.  So out of the loop with the LGBT community, Hal assumes other people are as clueless as him and amusingly projects his ignorance onto his son. Hal condescendingly explains that Harvey Milk was the first gay elected official or that the rainbow flag symbolizes gay pride and generally ignores his son's protests that he already knows these things.

Mills contrasts this vision of a kind, flirtatious, electrified old man to a childhood defined by Hal's emotional and physical absence and his mother's quiet acts of rebellion to generate the passion never shown to her. Plummer steals the film, but Mary Page Keller deserves recognition as well as Georgia. The look of muted caged agitation and anguish on her face is tragic, and her stabs of acting out make it clear to her child that something is wrong even as the boy could never guess the true reason for his mom's disconnect and displaced emotions. Believing she could "fix" Hal by marrying him, Georgia only found herself trapped in the same fabrication Hal had to build around his real self. Keller could have played Georgia's whimsical, even obnoxious actions for mere oddity, but she never once fails to express the pain and social imprisonment that defines her pathetic existence.

As Oliver mulls over these memories, we see the split between his take on his father's revelation and Hal's. Oliver sees how the whole family got caught up in Hal's lie, leaving his mother erratic and unloved and preventing a deep connection between himself and his father until late in life. But for Hal, his earnest, if tepid, acceptance of his heteronormative front was a denial of the real man for the sake of his wife and child. Oliver feels pangs of defensiveness with his father's boyfriends, not repulsed by their sexuality but jealous of the doting love Hal shows them, an affection he never expressed for Georgia or him.

Less striking and original is the other half of the film, following Oliver as he puts his life back together with the help of a French actress named Anna (Mélanie Laurent), whom he meets at a Halloween party. That scene is perhaps the highlight of their whole relationship, with Oliver trying to mask his still-fresh mourning by dressing as Sigmund Freud and "analyzing" the other party guests while Anna communicates with him via notepad as he voice is shot from laryngitis. McGregor and Laurent never fully match the level of chemistry that arcs between them here, nor do they make the inevitable scenes of mutual relationship doubt feel genuine. But Laurent, as revelatory a discovery in Inlgourious Basterds as Christoph Waltz, manages to overcome the dangerously limiting part Anna threatens to be, negating her potential "perfect woman" status with an insecurity and caution evident in her relationship with Oliver from the start. I've seen some dismiss Beginners as formulaic, but while it may end on a conventional note, Mills and his actors don't get there by the usual route.

As a coming to terms with his father's identity and a belated sense of regret that the man had so little time to be himself, Beginners is a beautiful making of amends. As a story of a depressed son mentally recovering through a restorative romance, it dangerously flirts with staleness. But when Mills, McGregor and Laurent can eke sorrow from a cutely arranged scene of the two lovers playacting a conversation between Anna and her manipulative father, they quickly prove their ability to toe that line without falling into mediocrity. Complete with the achingly human performances by Keller and Plummer, Beginners is an elegiac but affirming tribute to our ability to find ourselves at any time in life, and of the worthiness of doing so even if only for the last fleeting moments of one's existence.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Hi Everyone!

This is the first time I'm doing this, so I apologize for any inconvenience. As it turns out, either people are having such trouble following/reading directions, or the rules are just too complicated. So, I decided to cancel the comments contest.

Don't worry, though. I signed up for a Young Adult Giveaway Hop sometime in January so you will have another chance to win the book (Revelations by Melissa De La Cruz) then. Sounds good?

Again, I'm sorry for doing this, but I hope you understand! In the meantime, I hope you will visit my blog post about the Paranormal Turkey Tour and leave a comment to help me win a giveaway. Thanks in advance! Click here for the turkey post :)

Torn Sky Natural Phenomena in Pontianak

Synonyms And Synonyms

Synonyms And Synonyms
The skyscape of strange and unique place on earth Equator. A cloud shaped clotted earth splitting. This event instantly became a scene in New York City and surrounding residents.

According to residents of Pontianak, Lilly 23 years, a very rare incident occurred Sunday, November 13, 2011. At that time, a citizen who was walking in the area of
​​direct Pontianak M Yamin surprised to see such strange sights.

"The shape of clouds actually splitting the earth. It happened so fast, just eleven minutes aja. I also do not believe it, how can ya? "Said Lilly, Monday, November 14, 2011.

One other Pontianak citizen named Jane 23 years, immediately take a picture terssebut rare sight. "The picture is really like heaven to divide the earth," he said.

Meanwhile, according to the Section Head of the Observation and Information Bureauof Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Supadio Pontiac, Sri Ningsih, the phenomenon of the heavens split ordinary occurrence.
These events, connect Sri, probably due to natural weather factors of uncertainty (weather anomalies) that occurred recently in West Kalimantan in general.
By. Synonyms And Synonyms

Philosophy from Rice Tumpeng In Java

Synonyms And Synonyms

Synonyms And Synonyms
Tumpeng is a cone of rice dish with various side dishes are placed in Tampah (large tray, round, of woven bamboo). Tumpeng is a traditional dish that is used in the ceremony, both the nature of grief and joy. Tumpeng in a Javanese ritual there are various kinds, among others: the sky prop cone, Arga Dumilah, Tumpeng Megono and Tumpeng Robyong. Tumpeng loaded with symbolic meaning of the doctrine of life. Robyong disering Tumpeng is used as a means of ceremonies Slametans (Tasyakuran).  

Robyong Tumpeng is a symbol of safety, fertility and prosperity. Tumpeng that resembles Mount describe true prosperity. Water flowing from the mountains to feed the plants. Plants that formed ribyong called semi or cement, which means living and grow. In ancient times, tumpeng of white rice is always served. White rice and side dishes in a tumpeng also has a symbolic meaning, namely:

White rice: a cone-shaped hill or moor hand symbolizes worship to God. Also, white rice symbolizes everything we eat, the flesh and blood must be selected from a clean source or halal. These mountains form can also be interpreted as an expectation that the welfare of our lives even more "up" and "high".

Chicken: rooster (male) who cooked with herbs intact ingkung yellow / turmeric and given areh (thick coconut milk broth), is a symbol worship God fervently (manekung) with a peaceful heart (Wening). Sobriety is achieved by controlling the self and the patient (nge "dominated for" flavor). Slaughtered rooster also has meaning to avoid bad properties (represented by, red) roosters, among other things: arrogant, conceited, always interrupted when speaking, and feeling out / win / correct itself (crow), is unfaithful, and no attention to the son's wife.

Catfish: first dishes of fish used is not a catfish or carp, or any other appeal. Catfish survive in water that is flowing and in the riverbed. It is a symbol of steadfastness, perseverance in life and can live in the lowest economic situation though.

Anchovy / Gereh Pethek: Fish anchovy / gereh pethek can be fried with flour or no flour. Anchovy and Fish Pethek life at sea and always clustered symbolizing togetherness and harmony.

Eggs: boiled eggs boiled, scrambled or not a cow, and served whole with the skin, so do not cut it - so to eat it must be peeled first. This symbolizes that all our actions must be planned (unpeeled), treated according to plan and evaluate the results for perfection.

Java Piwulang teach "Tata, Titi, Titis and Tatas", which means a good work ethic is a well-planned work, careful, precise calculation, and resolved completely. Eggs also symbolize God created human beings with a degree (nature) the same, the difference is only piety and his behavior.

Vegetables and urab-uraban: Vegetables used include kale, spinach, long beans, bean sprouts, chili seasoning kluwih with grated coconut or ointment. Vegetables also contain symbols such as: watercress means jinangkung which means protect, is reached. Spinach (spinach) means calm tentrem, sprouts / cambah which means growing, beans means thinking far ahead / innovative, scallions (onion), which symbolizes everything carefully consider the pros and cons, red chilli tip tumpeng is a symbol dilah / fire which gives lighting / models that are useful for others. Kluwih means linuwih or have an advantage over others. Seasoning means urip ointment / living or able to support (feed) family.

In ancient times, elders who led the prayer of salvation usually will describe first the meaning contained in the tumpeng dish. Thus the audience who came to know the meaning of the tumpeng and obtain wedaran a living teaching and advice. In salvation, rice cone and then cut and submitted to the elderly or the "elderly" as a tribute. After that, rice cones eaten together. tumpeng cutting ceremony symbolizes gratitude to God and at the same phrases or teaching about the life of togetherness and harmony.

There sesanti cow that is not foreign to us, namely: "mangan ora mangan asal kumpul" (eat no important meal togethers). This does not mean though that significant deficiencies remain gather with relatives. Understanding sesanti which is supposed to put the spirit of togetherness in the home, the protection of parents against their children, and love of family. Wherever people are, although they had to go abroad, should keep in mind is to his family and maintain ties with relatives.

Maybe I should, forged salvation and make rice cone at the State Palace, and the President can outline in advance of meaning contained in the tumpeng dish. Thus the audience who came especially to officials, knew the meaning of the tumpeng and obtain wedaran a living teaching and advice.
By. Synonyms And Synonyms