Monday, October 10, 2011

Wonderful evening with Erinn Cosby

Erinn, Jean and Trish

Spent a wonderful evening at Devon House recently with the witty, elegant Erinn Cosby, who combines the fine qualities of her parents Bill and Camille Cosby. We were proud that she considers Jamaica 'my second home' - she absolutely loves the country!
Erinn was introduced to us by writer/editor Barbara Ellington and we were kindly hosted by Digicel's Trish Thompson. She was in Jamaica for a friendly assignment - she is a fine professional photographer and handles all of her famous Dad's publicity images. She is currently pursuing her Master's in Education, following in his footsteps.
Of her parents, she says, "They are just great, and enjoying this time of their lives, which they so richly deserve." We couldn't agree more!

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