Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Kiki Howell Interview + Giveaway!

I consider myself lucky to have had the chance to virtually interview Kiki Howell. Check it out below! :)

I see that you have many publishers. Can you tell us what that is like?
It’s great actually. I get exposure to so many different and wonderful editors and authors. I have learned a lot from all of them about writing and the industry. The only time it gets tough is submission calls, I am a sucker for them. I read some special theme and story ideas start firing in my head. Sadly, I don’t have the time to write them all.

Your husband wrote you a song! What was your reaction when you first heard it? Oh, tears of course, but it was a particularly emotional time anyway. On our way home from vacation, I found out my grandmother had passed away, and the day of being home unpacking and repacking to leave again for the funeral, I got a call that my novel Hidden Salem had been accepted. So, my husband surprised me with the song when I got back from the funeral trip.

I see that you get to visit a lot of blogs. It must keep you really busy. How does it feel when you get asked to be featured in someone’s blog?
I take it as a great compliment, because owning a blog, I know the work that goes into one, emails, scheduling, formatting posts, etc. It is a great feeling to have people want to invest their time into you, especially when I get people who have just read a story of mine say they loved it and just have to have me on :)

When someone approaches you to appear on their blog, do you feel pressured to offer one of your books to give away?
Sometimes. It is really situational. But, I truly don’t mind giving stories away. I figure it gives them a taste of my writing, and then they can decide if they want to read more or not.

Your books have really captivating covers. Do you get to offer your input when choosing the covers?
Thank You, I have been very lucky in that area. Now, this really does depend upon the publisher. One pub gives us a photo site they purchase from and lets us pick the image or images we want before they go to the cover artist, some pick a few photos and then let you chose from them before the cover artist, and others, you fill out a form with suggestions of what you would like to see on the cover, and a couple, well you don’t really have any say at all. I do have a couple companies that allow you to suggest edits too once the cover comes, and others where you don’t. Still, I have been very fortunate in all of these situations, I have only once had an issue with a cover.

Where do you get your inspiration to write? Do you have a specific place where you write?
I write all over my house thanks to my laptop. I have a little space carved out for writing, but it isn’t always where I chose to go. I like the flexibility too of being able to work in the living room at night with my family as well.

Do you read other authors’ books to get ideas for your next book?
No, not really. I read a lot, but not for ideas, but because I’m a book addict. I do however read a lot of non-fiction books for ideas, especially Wiccan or pagan ones.

Do you get inspired by music? If so, what are some of the songs that have inspired you to write your books?
Sometimes. I did write a whole book, The Sorcerer’s Songs, using my husband’s music off his newest CD, Weathervanes. I did recently write a Valentine’s Day story called Sacred Sex, coming Feb 2012 from Rebel Ink Press, that was inspired by the song, For the First Time by The Script in that my couple was experiencing a distance between them due to the loss of his job.

Get To Know Kiki Howell:

What is your favorite candy?
Candy Junkie Here! LOL Can’t pick a fave, but favorites are Sour Patch Kids, Swedish Fish, Skittles, Twix, York Peppermint Patties, and Take Five Bars….

What is your favorite TV show(s)?
I was a big LOST fan when it was on. I was totally addicted to True Blood until this last season, just hoping it gets better this next season. Currently enjoying Vampire Diaries and the Secret Circle.

What is your guilty pleasure?
Taco Bell or Chipotle! LOL

Who is your favorite author(s)?
No way I could answer that *giggles* I wouldn’t even know where to start as I read in a lot of different genres too.

Do you have a favorite genre to read?
Romance overall I guess, with all of its subgenres.

What is your favorite book?
LOL! I don’t have one, but I can tell you that I rarely, okay almost never, reread a book. But, the Cabot Sisters series by Teresa Medeiros, After Midnight and The Vampire Who Loved Me, I read three times. Just something about the series captured me.

What is your favorite color?

Vampires, werewolves, faeries, or shape shifters?

Kiki generously offered one reader to win a PDF copy of one of her books pictured below. Click the individual links to read a blurb about each book. NOTE: Some of the hyperlinks are not pictured below.
PLEASE MAKE SURE TO READ THE INSTRUCTIONS (ESP FOR LEAVE BLOG POST COMMENT). When you leave a comment, make sure you answer this question in the comments: What about romance novels (erotic or historical) do you like?

Working Out the Kinks - most current release

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