Sunday, October 16, 2011

Care Bear?!?!?!

Lately, I feel like I have been talking a lot about babies. A lot of friends & family are pregnant or recently had a little one. It's a very exciting time for all these ladies and I'm so happy for them. Since all this baby talk has been going around, Ryan and I had a fun conversation regarding baby names. You know.... what if?
Well..... Ryan suggested if we ever have a girl we should name her Claire.

At first, I thought Claire sounded like a pretty and cute name.

Then I thought about it with my new last name. OMG!


Sounds like CARE BEAR!

My apologizes to anyone that's reading this named Clair Blair. Don't hate me!

Also, if you're asking.. or thinking... I'm not pregnant and not planning to have a little one for quite some time. I don't want to start rumors :)

Congratulations to all the lovely ladies in my life that are having a baby!! I'm so EXCITED!

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