I've said it before, and I will continue saying it: I love DeeAnne Gist's books. They hook me like crazy! I always want to finish it really fast so I can find out what happens to the story. I also love the historical part of her stories. She's amazing!
So for this story, the main characters are Drew and Constance. The story was that Constance claimed to have been kidnapped and that she really was the daughter of an Earl in England. Of course no one believed her. Except for Drew. He believed her, slightly.
As you may or may not know, back in the day, an unmarried man and an unmarried woman are not allowed to live in the same household. Thus was the case with Drew and Constance. Therefore, they were forced to marry. That was when the fun started.
Constance was so funny! She was smart in today's standards - she knew Math. But back in the day, educated women were lower than nothing because women back then needed to be educated in "womanly duties." Otherwise, she might as well have been an idiot. And that was Constance. Poor girl, she did not know how to do ANYTHING. Given I don't know any of the things she did either, I can't judge. But it was so funny the way Drew reacted to her ignorance!
Her ignorance, apparently, was what attracted Drew to her. The next thing I knew, he fell in love with her, they finally did the deed that was supposed to have happened on their wedding night, etc. This is a pattern in DeeAnne Gist's books. The characters fall in love and you'd think the book is over. But there's another quarter of the book to go!
As the book progressed, Drew backed off from Constance because he thought he was doing what was best for her by distancing himself so it wouldn't hurt as much when he sent her back to England. What an idiot! He couldn't see that Constance tried so hard to learn all the "womanly duties" that was required of a wife to please him, and yet he continued to push her away. I was so mad at him at this point.
Then there was the Indian attack. Of course it would take a massacre for people to realize that they didn't really wanna lose each other, right? The scenes with the massacre was so intense! I was literally at the edge of my seat waiting for my class to start. Mind you, I also had a quiz that I should have been studying for, but no, I had to keep on reading! (It's okay, I passed the quiz, we had notes.)
So when I finally finished the book, I was so happy. I think I'm going to buy all of DeeAnne Gist's books now. I only have one more book I own that I haven't read.
Sorry this post was so long. But you can see I really enjoyed the book right? Now, some quotes/scenes.
Interesting tidbit: Washing everyday (taking a shower/bath) was not acceptable in England back in the day according to this book.
(Note: Drew hated red hair.)
Grandma: "Thought you didn't like red hair."
Drew: "Must have me confused with someone else, but I'm not surprised. Seems to happen to most of the older set at some point or other."
(Note: Emmett originally "bought" Constance but lost her to Drew in a game of cards. This scene is when Emmett was trash talking Indians and brought back painful memories with Drew's brother Josh.)
Grandma: "Run along, Emmett, for 'he who envies admits his inferiority'"
Drew: "You'll have to speak more plainly, Grandma. Inferiority is too long a word for Emmett here to grasp."
(Note: This scene is between Constance, her father - the Earl of Grayhame, and Drew. Drew is "acting.")
Constance: "I love my husband. I love the colonies. And there is nowhere on God's green earth I'd rather be."
Earl of Grayhame: "He wants a fifteen thousand pound settlement."
Constance: "Fifteen thousand!"
Earl of Grayhame: "He says you're a great deal of trouble."
She hesitated for one startled moment before choking back a laugh.
Constance: "I am."
Earl of Grayhame: "I thought so."
He leveled Drew a look.
"If I pay you the fifteen thousand, do you swear to keep her?"
Drew reared back his head.
Drew: "Forever?"
Earl of Grayhame: "Forever."
Drew: "Oh, I suppose." He gave a long-suffering sigh. "If I must."
Oh yeah, I definitely want a Drew for a husband :)
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