Sunday, March 11, 2012

Survey Results: Just For Fun

Along with the blog survey that I created, I also created a random survey asking whatever kind of question that came to mind at the time of its creation. Check out the results below!

Some of the brands that people liked were Hershey's, Lindor Truffles, Kit Kat, Ferrero Rocher, and in general, dark chocolate. My favorites are Hershey's, M&Ms, Snickers, Kit Kat, Twix, and Lindor Truffles.
Most people liked hot sauce than those who didn't.
There were more book lovers than simple readers who filled out the survey.

Weirdest Foods Eaten With My Commentaries
-Calamari - I LOVE CALAMARI!! How is it weird? :)
-Green bell paper with peanut butter - eek.
-Rabbit - 0_0
-Frog legs - sounds interesting
-Hog Maul (Pig's stomach stuffed with potatoes/veggies - o_o What have you been eating?!
-cow brains and tongue - ew.
-My weirdest food is Balut. It's a duck egg but I only ate the egg, not the duck.

Creatures Chosen
-Most popular were Vampires and Fairies
-One person can't decide at all :)
-My pick is vampires of course :)

Secrets with my commentaries
-horribly insecure - we all are! Don't worry :)
-The only person who doesn't love Adele - it's okay, I was in that bandwagon, too. Now I respect her, though.
-Suffered from self-diagnosed depression and cutting - Are you sure you're not Demi Lovato? :) But seriously, if you need someone to talk to, you can email me.
-My secret? I will be an actress one day.

Cake favorites!
-Chocolate mousse
-Cheesecake - lots of people love this one!
-Lemon cake (made from scratch)
-Yellow cake with chocolate icing
-Angel food cake
-Chocolate with peanut butter or white icing
-Frozen lime cake - this is the first I've heard of this cake
-I love chocolate cake but I also love lemon cake. I really don't have that much of a preference as long as it has chocolate, vanilla, or lemon in it.

Favorite Smoothie
-Pomegranate and/or Raspberry
-Strawberry Banana
-Green Tea
-Two people hates smoothies - *gasps*
-My favorite is Mango :)

Would you ask me for my autograph when I became famous?
Everyone either said "yes", "sure", "of course", or "heck to the yes"

This was so much fun! Thank you to all who participated in the survey :) Let me know if you want more of these posts.

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