Monday, March 5, 2012

Post-Blogoversary Guest Post - Liz Reinhardt + Giveaway

My blogoversary was so much fun yesterday :) Thank you to everyone who celebrated it with me including the days leading up to it. I hope you all will stick with me and continue leaving comments because I LOVE READING THEM :)

As a post-blogoversary post, I have Liz Reinhardt to talk about how we met! Check it out below!

I'm so excited for Arianne's one year blogiversary!! Arianne and I 'met' back in the fall. I had just put out my first YA romance, Double Clutch, and was equally horrified and throwing up with excitement over the fact that people would be reading my book

My husband was like, "Uh, not to be all unsupportive, but wasn't the point of publishing a book, um, you know, so people would read it?" 


He shook his head and gave me a pudding cup and a hug to make me feel better, but there was a good reason I was freaking out like crazy: my book was out there with all the other great books. All the books I'd ever read, never finished, loved, hated, read again? My book could fit any of those categories for someone, and guess what? With the internet, I could actually see some of what people said myself. And I had to eat a lot of pudding and get a ton of hugs.

Sometimes all you need is love...and pudding ;)!

Not only because some people didn't like my book (or hated it, or threw it across the room, or projectile vomited all over it...because I'm pretty sure my book, just like every book ever written, has haters...that's normal!), but because I'd get reviews where people pretty much liked it but didn't get it and, somehow, that stung more. People who said things like, "It was okay! It was a cute, quick read!" sort of left a singe mark on my writer soul, more so than the projectile vomiters. At least they reacted strongly. You know the old, "There's a thin line between love and hate" saying? I take a ton of comfort in that!

Love, hate, and a knuckle sandwich!

Along comes an epic blog tour by the lovely Missy of Missy Reads and Reviews. It was long and fun-filled, but also angst-filled, because I did get a 'meh' review of two, and my soul was smoldering from it! Then came Arianne...

I don't want you to think she's a softie. She didn't write a review that was all sunshine and unicorn farts. Nope. She was honest. She evaluated the book. If things got her mad, she said so. If things weren't quite right, she said that, too. But she GOT IT! She got that being infuriated, falling in love, maybe even finding a glitch or two were all part of what made Double Clutch honest and real. I was shaky after I read her review. She even pulled out all these amazing passages! I ate pudding, but it was celebration pudding!! And she became one of those readers who crosses over to a friend. I love to have her on my side because I know she's passionate about what she does, brutally honest, and also respectful. Basically the perfect reviewer, no matter what her end-all opinion is. She doesn't give 'meh' reviews because she feels passionately about what she reads, and I love that! I try to never write a 'meh' book because I feel passionately about what I write! 

That's how I feel as a reader, that's my goal as a writer (mean, I know, but I promise to write A LOT!).

So let's take minute to raise a pudding cup to the brilliant, amazing, awesome Ms. Arianne Cruz, blogger extraordinaire without whom, I may have died of comfort pudding overdose! I look forward to many more honest, passionate reviews ;)!!

WOOHOO!! I WISH I could do this for her...but I'll just write this guest post instead ;)!(And if you would like a copy of the book that started the madness, I am giving away a free ecopy as well as one paperback!) 

This is it! The book that started the pudding addiction!
Wow, I don't know what to say about all those awesome words, except THANK YOU. Thank you so much, Liz, for all the sweet words. I always try to be honest in my reviews (especially when I didn't completely enjoy the book), but I also try to be polite about it. I am an amateur writer and I do appreciate it when my writing group tries their best to provide me with constructive criticism in polite ways. So I try to do the same with the books I read.

Anyway, before I get completely mushy, you heard the amazing Liz, she's giving away an ebook copy AND a paperback copy of her book. Before you fill out the form... Ehem.. It was my blogoversary yesterday... And I signed up for R.A.K. for March. Double Clutch paperback copy is in my top 5. *wink wink* Who wants to make me an awesome R.A.K. recipient of this epic book? #I'mJustSaying #Anyone?

If you'd like to read my review of Double Clutch, just click here. I also have a review of the second book, Junk Miles here. Okay, just fill out the form below. E-book is INTERNATIONAL and Paperback is US ONLY. Ends March 18, 2012.

Don't forget to enter the other two giveaways in my blogoversary post here.

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