Saturday, March 10, 2012

Childhood: Losing a piece

Kimber Lee & I have been friends since the age of 5 and have shared so many memories along the way. This weekend, Kimber Lee is in Charlotte visiting her childhood home and sadly saying good bye. Her parents built this beautiful home many moons ago and now the city is building a highway through it.

Kimber Lee's parents

I knew this time would come eventually since it has been in the works for years but now it's time and it's heart-breaking. I feel I'm losing a piece of my childhood.

Kimber Lee's home was my second home and personal playground. Many many cherished memories! Playing croquet in the front yard, playing dress up in her sister's room, ELVIS, warm hugs, 1st grade drawings, GRITS, sleep-overs, troll dolls (Kimber's room), playing "house" in the wooden clubhouse outside, running around the woods, parties and many more. Like I said.......this is heartbreaking.

Even though this house will soon be gone it will leave behind a legacy of

Mallard Creek home... I will miss you!

The backyard use to be ALL TREES! They have already started tearing the surrounding areas.

The front yard-- Memories of playing croquet.

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