Friday, March 2, 2012

Blogoversary Countdown - Jen @ Pinkpurse21

TWO days before my blogoversary! I'm excited! Today I have one of my original #twitterbffs, Jen from Pinkpurse21! I don't get the chance to chat with her as often as we used to because of our busy schedules, and I've never met her, but I'm glad to know her and have her in my life :) Check out what she has to say below and her interview with me! Don't forget to visit her blog afterwards!

It's already been a year since the first post from Arianne was created. Since then she has graced us with 465 posts. That is A LOT!!!! She is constantly blogging daily and sometimes even more than once in the same day. Her variety of blogging from book reviews to movie reviews to quarter quotes to beauty reviews has been growing through the past year. She is always sharing with us new information and her biased opinion on things she has a passion for. I decided that to celebrate her one year blogoversary, we should get to know some background of her blog and her future aspects. So I decided it would be appropriate to ask her 12 questions, one for each month she has been blogging.

Jen: What inspired you to start blogging?

Arianne: I get asked this question a lot. My answer is always "money." I thought I could make extra cash by blogging. Unfortunately, I still have not figured that out. However, the reason I stay are the bloggers themselves... (and the free books I win, haha).

Jen: When you started to blog, what goals did you have for your blog? And did you accomplish those goals?

Arianne: I don't remember having goals. I just wanted to be successful, but success is really subjective. I still don't know what my goals are besides making a connection to my readers.

Jen: How have you remained committed to your blog?

Arianne: It's now part of my hobby. I feel lost in the world if I don't go through my dashboard and keep updated with the bloggers I follow.

Jen: What future goals do you have for your blog? And how do you plan to accomplish those goals? 

Arianne: My future goals would probably include new segments that people would enjoy, but at the same time, that I would enjoy because that's what's important to me. Another goal is maybe to use my blog as an informal business card. If someone wants to know more about me, hop on over to my blog :)

Jen: What is the one thing that you love about blogging?

Arianne: Meeting new bloggers, the opportunity to discover new authors, and the consumer resources when it comes to beauty products that the others review on their blogs.

Jen: Who has been your biggest inspiration through blogging?

Arianne: This is a hard one. I don't know if I have any inspiration besides the fact that I want to be good at what I do, to share my accomplishments, and to have people something pretty to look at :)

Jen: What do you love most about blogging? 

Arianne: I think you asked this a couple questions ago. But I'll give you a different answer: FREE BOOKS.

Jen: Who are your favorite bloggers?

Arianne: Aww, cruel question. How about, who are the bloggers I visit the most? That would be Jen from Jen Ryland/YA Romantics. She did a guest post for my blogoversary a few days ago. She's amazing and I love that she really has a nice interaction with her followers in her blog. And I win lots of stuff from her :D

Jen: What made you start filming videos on YouTube?

Arianne: I was mostly inspired by Elle and Blair Fowler. I can't really remember the exact reason why I started, besides the fact that I wanted to be like them in some ways. I'm far from being like them, but now, filming videos actually help me with my acting and the way I work the camera :)

Jen: What are your YouTube goals for the future?

Arianne: Maybe get an HD camera... Film more of a variety!!! That's the biggest goal but I don't really know what else to film. I film what I know, and mostly, they're books!

Jen: Who are your favorite YouTubers?

Arianne: Elle and Blair Fowlers and Michael Buckley from What The Buck Show. By the way, I wrote Buck a letter and he read it on his video!!! Check it out below :)

Jen: Name one personal value that you try to abide by and how do you abide by this value? 

Arianne: Lol it would probably be redundant to say I want to have a quality blog. So, I will say I try to abide by the young readers value. At one point I posted two adult reviews and then I decided to stop. I didn't delete them but I decided along the way that I didn't want my blog to have that warning whenever you visit that it might have adult content. I want it to be accessible to anyone. So, if I have anything adult related to post, I make sure to put a warning in the title right away.

I just want to take this time to wish my #twitterbff a Happy Blogoversary! It has been amazing watching you grow through your blog. I am so excited for you and I am sure all of your other followers are just as excited for you. We love you!

Thank you Jen!!! You're so sweet :D

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