Saturday, April 7, 2012

"Meeting Destiny" Blog Tour: Guest Post + Giveaway

Today, I am participating in the "Meeting Destiny" Blog Tour. First of all, don't you just love that cover? It's so beautiful! Make sure you read the guest post and enter the giveaway at the bottom :)

Meeting Destiny Blurb:  Lauren is visited in her dreams for years by a stranger claiming to be her destiny. Destiny becomes reality when paths cross during a failed robbery attempt. Lauren and the stranger experience chemistry like no other and now her doubt over her long time relationship with her high school sweetheart is not her only secret…someone else knows about her keen intuition and sixth sense.A mysterious clairvoyant seeks Lauren out and tells her not only of her life now but what the future may hold. Soon Lauren is in the middle of a murder investigation and a questionable friendship with the key suspect. Law enforcement, friends and family are concerned for Lauren but unfortunately they are unaware of the true danger…Sinister forces are at work and will stop at nothing to destroy Lauren’s abilities.

Author Bio: Nancy was born in Sioux City Iowa, left the cold of the Midwest in 1991 and only returns to see family in the summer time. She spent ten years traveling the world as a US Marine and settled in rural SC with her husband, two children and three dogs.  She enjoys RVing with her family, writing Paranormal Romance / Urban Fantasy and reading all types of Paranormal and Young Adult literature.

Where to buy Meeting Destiny:

Barnes & Noble

If I had psychic powers I would have bought Amazon and Apple stock when it was only a couple of dollars per share! 

 I think it would be really cool to read other people’s minds.  There is always that genius in the room that is scared to speak their mind but is just busting at the seams with great ideas.  Sometimes I see a friend with a strange look on their face and I’m dying to know what they’re thinking.  Or when my boys tell me they’re too sick to go to school it would be awesome to be a human lie detector, where I could say something like, “You big faker, get in the shower, I know you’re trying to snake out of your English test today.”  Although I do say those kinds of things to my sons when they want to stay home, part of me wishes that a little alarm would sound if they were lying. 

Or communicating with my dogs would be pretty awesome, too! I have a Jack Russell that I LOVE, and he’s tolerated by our two Doberman Pinchers.  His name is “Flash” and he’s got it stuck in his head that HE is the Alpha male.  Most of the time the bigger dogs go-with-the-flow and let him believe he’s in charge.  Every couple months they get tired of his energy, I can always see it coming.  He starts running up and down the hallway: barking, sliding, and growling, even so far as nipping at their legs.  They’ll put up with it for a while then one of them will get fed up and step on him.  It looks just like the Saturday morning cartoons when it happens, he goes flat on the floor with all four legs sprawled out toward the walls – you can almost see little birds flying around his head.  If I had psychic powers and could communicate with dogs, I’d probably tell him “Remember what happened last time you were a knucklehead?”

If I were psychic that’s the power I’d most like to have!

Giveaway ends April 14, 2012.
UPDATE 4/10/12: If you would like a copy now, Meeting Destiny is free on Kindle I don't know how long it will last so hurry up and get it :) Afterwards, spread the word!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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