Sunday, March 6, 2011

Coming to the All England 2011 Sigit: Tim Putra Indonesia Still Likely

Synonyms And Synonyms

Synonyms And Synonyms
Sigit Budiarto opportunity to comment on the Indonesian team in the arena All England 2011. According to him, the son of Red and White teams still have a chance to be the best.

It is said a former retainer of the badminton national team, shortly after the inauguration of the monument Super Smash on Thursday (03/03/2011) night. Moreover, some young men's doubles players like Bona Septano / Muhammad Ahsan will be a mainstay in the event. "I think our chances are still pretty open," said Sigit.

"Indeed, we still can rely on Bona-Ahsan men's doubles. As for the mixed doubles, the Red and White still has not found the best partner. Nevertheless, I hope that Indonesia's young players are not discouraged to be the best,"explained one of Indonesia's best doubles .

So, what about the sector's daughter? Sigit see the national team thinks Princess is still a stumbling block for the Red and White. But, he's very confident Indonesia can still be the best in the tournament.

"I think young players like Firdasari, Maria Febe etc. we can still count on. As long as they have a spirit, I believe we can compete with China," he said.

All England 2011 will be held in Birmingham, England, during the next 8 to 13 March

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