Thursday, April 12, 2012

Character Interview: Kian from Spring Frost (Frost #7) by Kailin Gow

One day, I was browsing Facebook and came across Frost Series status asking for bloggers to email them if we want to participate in a blog tour promoting the seventh book, Spring Frost, from the Frost Series by Kailin Gow. I jumped at the chance and emailed. A few days later, I received instructions and here we are. They also offered to send me two paperbacks for the first two books for a video review on each so watch out for that in the future. They will be my first video reviews!

Without further ado, please enjoy the interview.

What Makes a Great Queen?

Hi everyone, I’d like to introduce you to Prince Kian, the crowned Winter Prince of Feyland, a beautiful yet dangerous world with creatures from magic and lore.  Feyland has been torn apart by war between the Winter and Summer Kingdoms, for years.  The Winter Kingdom is ruled by the Winter Queen, who rules with strength and discipline.   

1) With a civil war going on in Feyland and forming around from the different creatures of fey and lore in Feyland, what would it take to be a great ruler in Feyland ?

Kian:  Someone who is able to be accepted by the people of each side, Winter, Summer, The Wolf Fey, Autumn, Spring, Autumn Springs, and Delano (King of the Pixies).  The Queens in Feyland tend to be the ones holding the most power, rather than the Kings so the task of bringing all of the factions and sides together will fall unto the Queen.

2) You are the Crowned Prince to the throne of the Winter Kingdom, who you choose to marry will affect the entire kingdom, even Feyland.  What do you look for in your future Queen, the woman you would marry?

Kian:  A woman who possesses an inner strength because she will need it.  Feyland is a magical land. The denizens care greatly about their homeland, and because of this passion, they will fight to the death to protect it. My Queen will have to have this passion for Feyland in order to win the hearts of the denizens.  She will also need to be resilient since things in Feyland and of the Fey change quickly. One moment we are at peace, the next we are being attacked.  In order to be successful as a ruler in Feyland, the Queen must be able to be kind when she needs to be, yet firm when she must make those difficult decisions that can mean the life and death of many. Those are some of what I believe would make a great Queen, technically, but this is what I want for a wife.  I want a woman who is not afraid to be herself, who has a great capacity to love and is lovable, who is passionate about everything.  I want a woman who is born to be mine, by magic and by love.  And when we kiss, her kiss will take my breath away…that is the woman I will love and give everything to… my life, my kingdom, and my soul.

3) Sounds like you’ve already found her.

Kian:  I have.

I hope you all enjoyed the interview! Tell me in the comments, have you read the Frost series?

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