Tips on Healthy Ageing - Prof. Denise Eldemire-Shearer’s
Presentation at CCRP Wellness Seminar, April 20, 2010
• Ageing is a complex process that does not occur overnight, it has several components – Physical, social, psychological and spiritual
• Healthy Ageing describes the ongoing activities and behaviours you undertake to reduce the risk of illness and disease and increase your physical, emotional and mental health.
• It also means combating illness and disease with some basic lifestyle realignment that can result in a faster and more enduring recovery.
• Goals of healthy ageing - Maintaining mental and physical health, avoiding disorders or diseases, remaining active and independent
• What to expect in Old Age - the body experiences changes physically. Changes are dependent on many factors such as lifestyle, disease and environmental factors.
• Some of these changes can be worked on to alter the ageing process.
• People also age differently so what is true for one may not be for another.
• Habits that influence healthy ageing
Following a nutritious diet
Exercising regularly
Staying mentally active
• How to prepare for ageing
Gather information
Get clarification on different opinions expressed
Have a plan for the future
Set goals and reassess and change as necessary

Tips from Dr. Anthony Vendryes’ - Presentation on The 4 Pillars of Healthy Ageing At CCRP Wellness Seminar April 20, 2010
• Your health is #1. Health is not just an absence of disease, it is a state of physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
• Real health is wellness, the three major killers are heart disease, cancer and stroke – these are all lifestyle related disorders.
• The four Pillars of Healthy Ageing are, Nutrition, Cleansing, Exercise and Stress & Rest Management.
• 1St Pillar – Good Nutrition is the basis of good health, you are what you eat. Good nutrition slows ageing, all major killers are nutritionally related disorders.
• 2nd Pillar – Exercising, “use it or lose it!” it compliments nutrition, has lots of physical and emotional benefits and also slows down the ageing process.
• 3rd Pillar – Cleansing, try to avoid substances that poison the body such as cigarette smoke, alcohol, drugs (legal or otherwise), chemicals and pollutants.
• 4th Pillar – De-stress - Stress is not a person or a situation, it is a reaction or a response, it is known as the enemy within it also accelerates ageing.
• In order to manage stress you need to know how you react to stress factors and learn the relaxation response.
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